Welcome to vesperala.com forum
This is a forum for my friends and for everybody who needs a friend.
By joining our forum you agree to adhere and abide by the following rules:
- When joining and selecting a username, please use common sense.
- You are not allowed to post pornographic messages or images on VESPERALA forum. This includes avatars.
- Please do not post threads about xxx, violence, racism, cracks, hacking, warez, pirated software, adult posts, drug
informations and such stuff.
- Do not start multiple threads with the same subject.
- Stay on topic. Offtopic replies (those that have nothing to do with the topic) will be deleted. If you want to jump to something new, start a new topic. You can talk about (almost) anything you want in the off-topic forum area. Just not anywhere else.
- Please make sure that your thread is not something that someone else already started before you .
- Don't ask for replies via email or private message. That defeats the purpose of a forum.
- No personal insults, attacks, or harassment of forum members. No threads about other members.You are free to disagree with others . If you are insulted please report the post to a moderator or administrator .
- Manage your words with other members. Please adopt a polite manner. Be polite and friendly and you will get the same in return.
- Do not posting any member's real life information without permission.
- You are not allowed to use multiple accounts for posting on vesperala.com forum .
- Please do not post messages without words (using just emoticons or other symbols). Those messages will be erased by the moderating team.
- All posts and messages are the views of the author, not of vesperala.com forum.
- Please do not use links in your signature without asking an administrator.
- Do not complain about a locked or deleted thread by creating a new thread. Send a PM to a moderator of the area.
- If you have questions for moderators, please allow them a reasonable and fair amount of time to respond (3 days). If your issue is of an urgent nature, you may contact one of the administrators.
- The Administrators and Moderators of vesperala.com reserve the right to re-locate or delete any post or thread that they consider to be inappropriate for this site.
- Any thread/post deemed to be a direct insult on any other member, moderator or staff member, will be removed.
- Do not ignore admin warnings or testing patience/boundaries of the moderators.
- Some individual areas have their own rules. If exists, those rules appear written with red color above the thread where you are posting.
- While these rules cover most common situations, they cannot anticipate everything. Policies and Rules may be added or changed by the administrators of vesperala.com forum without notice.Be sure to check back once in a while to see if there have been any changes.
If you have any questions or problems, please feel free to contact any of the Moderator or Member of Staff.
Thank you. Enjoy the forum!