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Cred că e o epidemie de rubeolă, şi la mine la muncă au făcut cîţiva colegi acu' vreo lună sau cam aşa. Şi cică e şi crîncen de contagioasă.


Da, au anuntat si la televizor ca sunt f. multe cazuri.

Pai, de, daca n-ati facut boala la timpul ei, cei mici fac o forma mai usoara. :D:


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ma intristeaza ca se baga unii peste infinitul meu!


Mithras, daca te referi la mine, afla ca poti dormi linistit, eu n-am ce face cu infinitul tau, ca n-aduce profit. Poate pe lumea cealalta s-o putea valorifica in vreun fel, dar, vorba domnului JanetNica, "până ACOLO, mai este AICI".


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Cred că e o epidemie de rubeolă, şi la mine la muncă au făcut cîţiva colegi acu' vreo lună sau cam aşa. Şi cică e şi crîncen de contagioasă.

da cred ca o sa o ia rand pe rand, toti :imao:

mi-e sa nu faca si Daci, dar ea cica e vaccinata de la 1 an, sa vedem

sotul aproape sigur va face :tomato:

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... ma amuza urrmatoare intimplare traita dee mine real.

De cateva zile ma amuza sa-mi schimp masina, sau mai bine zis sa-mi iau o massina mai mica, sa consume mai putin. Eu am un VW Mutivan cu 2500cmc motor TDI, c-am 10l/100 km in oras. da ii mare l-a traficul din oras, asa ca am zis tot un diesel mai mic,... am ales optiunea VW Sharan 1.7tdi ...normal c-a primul de 7(sapte) locuri. Am intrat pe mobile.de si surf printre masini.

Am gasit ceva si cum mai aveam o comanda de un VW Polo din 2005 am plecat spre Germnaia. Dar inante am gasit ceva Sharanuri sa nu merg l-a"plesneala" . Printre ele am gasit si un VW Sharan din noembrie /2007 , euro4, ful l-a 4000Euro fara tel mentionat. Ok...scriu mesaj si incerc... si trece o zii si primesc raspuns... ca oferta ii valabila.Va prezint masina :




si mesajele trimise in ordine cronologica;




Der Interessent/die Interessentin bittet um eine Rückmeldung unter der folgenden


Telefonnummer: +40724561145



John Rus hat folgende Nachricht geschrieben:

Guten Morgen, Auto interessiert mich sehr ernst, ich will kaufen, aber ich will Adresse und Telefonnummer, die Sie für Details kontaktieren. Ich komme aus Rumänien und morgen um 10 bin ich zu Ihnen kommen, wenn ich schicken könnte Sie eine SMS mit meinen Daten mehr sus.Tel 0040724561145. Mit Dank an Johannes


Diese Anfrage wurde weitergeleitet am: Montag, Februar 20, 2012.


el raspuns:



My name is Tower Paul,

The car is still for sale.

Where are you located ? Please speak English !

If you are interested in my car please contact me.

Thank you,


eu scriu:


Ford Galaxy interested me but I need your complet adress and your phone number to call sun it's possible

I nned the information now, becouse I go to Germany in two hours. I am from Romania. Astept speak urgently to contact you.

John Rus





Thank you because you have interested in my car and i`m glad because i

can answer to you.

My last price is 4000 Eur including all taxes,

The car have German papers with German plates numbers,and will come

with full service history ,

I am the first owner of the car and like you can see in the pictures

the car is in excellent condition, no accidents, no scratches, no

dents, no need for additional repairs,click on the link for photo and

more details about my car:


I just moved out from Germany to UK, London and the car is here with

me.That is the reason because i don't need the car anymore because

here in UK is very hard to drive an European car with the steering

well on the left side.

If you have others questions let me know,







Thanks for yours pictures, it's a nice car, but if it's possible I need your phone number to call becouse only next week I can drive in Germany. I have only few days to my hollydays for this year and after it's some tu hard to take some brake time to coming in. It's more better to recive your answer today or lost Sunday becouse so Ii know may plan when I comming Monday in Germany. Short answer : You have only 4 place in this car?







Just like you know the car it is with me in UK,London ( the car have 7

seats ) . My contact details :


My phone number :


0044 / 777 535 3760


Home address :


17 St. John's Road

Bexley,da14 4lf




If you want to come here is my proposition you must go to a Western

Union agent( you can find one in each postal office ) and you must put

4000EUR of the money there to your name to UK, London or YOU will ask

a friend to come with you to Western Union Office. HE will make a

transfer so that HE will be the sender and YOU will be the receiver.

YOU will receive the money from Western Union in UK,London So the

address of the receiver will be UK,London(In this way i`ll be sure

that you`ll be in London and that you`ll buy the car) in the moment

that you have made the transfer you must send me a scan copy of the

paper (receipt) from Western Union (if u have this money or not),

after that i will meet with you here, when you`ll come here will check

and see that all is alright and in working condition. Then we can go

both to a Western Union agent here and get the money.

I ask you that because i have allot of inquires on it and i will keep

the car for you.As you see this method is a secure one because you

cannot lose your money and I don't lose my time. You cannot lose your

money because they will be on your name and you are the only person

able to pick them up.

With this deposit you proof me that you are a serious person and you

want to buy my car.As regarding the money transfer fess you don't have

to worry at all because they will be deducted from from the final

amount, so they will be payed by me.

if u agree with this please contact me asap.


All the best !



eu...azi de vreo 2 ore.:



Hi ...


I have another easy way for bussines.

You can send me your acont number for your personal bank deposit whit your ID (SIN) number (to know exactly is true your acont bank ...after I search database for your adress it's true) and I put my money in your acont ... and the will check your account. It's more ok to your ideea becouse whit Westwer Union I spend extra money. I need the extra money to go togheder to pub to drink and more women close.

Trust me this work more to your ideea,


Have a nice day:) happy


:tease: astept sa vad reactia :tomato:


e-mail lui ii dvdss2@gmail.com


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continuare l-a ce ii mai sus...




If you are not agree with this deposit i will not have any problem, you can come to me when you want i don`t have problem but i will not keep the car for you until you are here..Let me explain to you way i want this deposit:

Just like you, they told me too many buyers and one day one buyer he told me for go with the car to him and he pay me the trip and buy the car.I don`t know way he never showed up.I don`t want to make the same mistake and for lose others real buyers.I don`t know if you really understand what i try to explain to you but i lose one time!!!

I don`t know if you read good the proposition:

YOU will ask a friend to come with you to Western Union Office. HE will make a transfer so that HE will be the sender and YOU will be the receiver. YOU will receive the money from Western Union in UK,London

So the address of the receiver will be UK,London(In this way i`ll be sure that you`ll be in London and that you`ll buy the car). As regarding the money transfer expenses you don't have to worry at all because they will be deducted from the final amount, so they will be payed by me.

Where is the problem?.But just like i told you can come here and i hope that i will not sell the car and we can have one deal together.

Thank you and have a good time.








Regular when I buy the car, I pay whit cash money, I put my money in credit card, or bank account and I use bank machine whenn I need to make a deal.

But the problem it's ...I founded the car to mobile.de and I understood the car it's in Germany. In England it's little too far.Whenn you come in Germany and u have the car... call me it's possible. I don't need in my business too have the third part(West Union).I see the car, I like , I buy.the goods.

Thanks for your time , but I have more offer too close.


Have nice day ...

Lord be with you:) happy




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ma amuza blogurile postate oriunde.... in opinia mea cei care scriu ideiile aici sau in spatii cu denumire de BLOG, is renegati ai societatii, neantelesi ... un fel de escape intr-o lume bizara, un fel de idei intelese de ei si neantelese de cei din jurul lor :uf:

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ma amuza blogurile postate oriunde.... in opinia mea cei care scriu ideiile aici sau in spatii cu denumire de BLOG, is renegati ai societatii, neantelesi ... un fel de escape intr-o lume bizara, un fel de idei intelese de ei si neantelese de cei din jurul lor :uf:


:hatoff: stiu si ei asta, dar daca tii un jurnal personal sub perna ti-l gaseste consoarta.


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Personal, nu m-au interesat jurnalele nimanui, doar banii, eventual... :think:

Daca in cautarile mele gasesc si vreun jurnal, :rules: nu inseamna ca l-am cautat cu tot dinadinsul , nici ca-l voi folosi automat pentru santaj, fac numai niste adnotari pe prima pagina referitoare la inteligenta posesorului.

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Rautatea si loviturile nejustificate, neprovocate, aplicate de unii oameni altor oameni pe care nu-i cunosc si cu care nu au interactionat nici macar o secunda. Rautatea cu motive interne, ce se varsa in exterior, nedirectionat, neprovocat, doar se varsa, lovind ca o stihie a naturii pe oricine ii iese accidental in cale. Toate astea m-au intristat, evident.

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Rautatea si loviturile nejustificate, neprovocate, aplicate de unii oameni altor oameni pe care nu-i cunosc si cu care nu au interactionat nici macar o secunda. Rautatea cu motive interne, ce se varsa in exterior, nedirectionat, neprovocat, doar se varsa, lovind ca o stihie a naturii pe oricine ii iese accidental in cale. Toate astea m-au intristat, evident.


Yelle, rautatea este genetica, face parte, volens-nolens, din fondul nostru genetic. Ca nu-i distribuita omogen, e-adevarat. Nimic nu este. Important e sa fim constienti de existenta ei , ca sa ne putem replia eficient in aparare. Din cate-am constatat eu, rautatea loveste mai cu putere insasi sursa. Ca antidot, intoarce spatele si lasa-i cu veninul lor. :bighug:


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Yelle, rautatea este genetica, face parte, volens-nolens, din fondul nostru genetic. Ca nu-i distribuita omogen, e-adevarat. Nimic nu este. Important e sa fim constienti de existenta ei , ca sa ne putem replia eficient in aparare. Din cate-am constatat eu, rautatea loveste mai cu putere insasi sursa. Ca antidot, intoarce spatele si lasa-i cu veninul lor. :bighug:

Asa-i. Si cel mai rau lucru posibil este sa raspunzi cu rautate, la rautate. La asta eu trebuie sa fac eforturi si sa nu ma las purtata de gene ca, deh, si eu le am.


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Psihozele altora ... ale multor "altora", unii apropiati, altii aproape straini. Pe bune, eu incerc sa-mi traiesc/consum/rezolv frustrarile cu mine insami, in intimitatea mintii mele, nu defilez in gura mare cu ele prin fara celor care sunt sau ar fi obligati, din varii motive (chiar si din neputinta) sa mi le suporte. In schimb prea multi oameni, incapabili sau neinteresati sa inteleaga ceea ce se intampla cu ei, cauta parca sa-si raspandeasca psihozele peste tot.

... si, ca de obicei, toate acestea ma intristeaza. :think:

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