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Summer has come and passed

The innocent can never last

wake me up when september ends


like my fathers come to pass

seven years has gone so fast

wake me up when september ends


here comes the rain again

falling from the stars

drenched in my pain again

becoming who we are


as my memory rests

but never forgets what I lost

wake me up when september ends


summer has come and passed

the innocent can never last

wake me up when september ends


ring out the bells again

like we did when spring began

wake me up when september ends


here comes the rain again

falling from the stars

drenched in my pain again

becoming who we are


as my memory rests

but never forgets what I lost

wake me up when september ends


Summer has come and passed

The innocent can never last

wake me up when september ends


like my father's come to pass

twenty years has gone so fast

wake me up when september ends

wake me up when september ends

wake me up when september ends


(.:: Green Day - Wake me up when september ends ::.)


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Frumoasa toamna pogoara peste noi

Frumosul ei vesmant incarcat cu ploi.

In par poarta bruma si frunzele uscate

Iar din gura-i ies vanturi reci in noapte.


Pe gene poarta praful galben-aramiu

Ce-l scutura in zare, pe campuri si paduri,

Intuneca pamantul cu tenu-i maroniu,

Ruginiul calca verdele cel viu.


Matasea ce-o imbraca fosneste printre nori,

Pe poale-i prinsa ceata in monotone ritmuri,

Soarele il tine ascuns in pantofiori,

Arde totu-n cale cu pasu-i usor.


In fulger orbitor isi preface ochiul,

Glasu-i este tunet ce brazdeaza cerul,

Vanturi furtunoase gem peste pamant,

Ploile-n rafale zi si noapte cad.


Din mana-i cad petale si frunze ofilite,

Covorul sub picioare toamna isi intinde,

Trece-n maretie cu bogat alai.

Vine toamna, vine, vine iar la noi.

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